Hi, I'm Noah. And today I'm going to tell you about how to play ISO files. Basically an ISO file is a virtual image of a CD or DVD. Which can be played in a virtual drive on your computer. To play an ISO file, you'll need some kind of software to mount virtual images to virtual drives. Which you can get for free. Two of these are Daemon tools. Which you can find at www.Daemon-Tools.cc. From this website you can download in the download section. For absolutely free. A second sinilar program i Virtual Clone Drive. Which you can get from Slysoft. At www.Slysoft.com/en/Virtual-CloneDdrive.html. This you can also download on Slysoft website for absolutely no cost. Finally once you have one of these programs. You can use it in a very simple manner to open your ISO file. Now all these programs have different interfaces, of course. But generally they all function in pretty much the same way. First, simply make sure that you have one drive selected. Then you can mount the image which is your ISO file. With a program and then you'll be able to open. Once you've clicked Now Image, simply navigate to where ever your ISO file is. In this case, desktop. And then select. After waiting a while, your file should be mounted. And either Windows will automatically launch the virtual drive. Or you can simply launch it yourself, by going to My Computer. And then selecting your virtual drive. And Devices with Removable Storage. Here we can see the album which was originally from the CD. With it's four tracks on our virtual drive for our ISO image.
How to Play ISO Files
by Noah Blumenthal / in Computers & electronics