I'm Jory Jensen, baseball instructor. We're going to be talking about in-season workouts for baseball. Now, in season, we want to make sure that we don't get too sore, so that we're sore for our games. But, at the same time, if we don't lift, and if don't have some sort of workout, we're going to lose strength. And, by the end of the season, typically we start to taper off, we aren't playing as well, we don't have the stamina, and those things come back to get us. So, it's important to make sure you stay on a lifting schedule. You get in the weight room, you work on some things while you are still in season. It is okay to do the same workouts that you were doing in the off-season, just at a lighter pace, maybe with lighter weight, or with lighter reps, one of the two. But, it is important to stay on the same workout schedule, typically four days a week. If you were to lift on a Monday/Tuesday, taking a Wednesday off, lifting again on a Thursday/Friday. If you are in season, there is still time to do it. You may have to get up earlier in the morning, or stay up later at night to make sure you get it done, making sure you get a good stretch out beforehand as well as afterwards, and making sure that if it is necessary, that you get ice on the joints and the muscles that are sore. And, I'm Jory Jensen, baseball instructor. We just talked about weightlifting in season.
In-Season Strength Training for Baseball Players
by Jory Jensen / in Health