Splinters occur when small slivers of fibres or materials embed themselves in the skin. Splinters can occur on any part of the body, but usually happen on the hands and feet. Slivers of wood, glass and metal are the most common culprits of splinters, but hair can also cause splinters. Removing a hair splinter can be especially tricky, since hairs are so much thinner than other fibres and materials.


Removing a Hair Splinter

Soak the affected area in warm water, or warm water with some Epsom salts added for at least 30 minutes. Soaking the hair splinter softens the skin and makes it easier to grab at the hair.

If you can see the end of the hair extending from the surface of the skin, use a pair of finely tipped tweezers to grasp it. Pull slowly and gently, and at the same angle that the hair has entered the skin.

If you are unable to grasp the end of the hair, try drawing the hair splinter out using a solution of equal parts water and hydrogen peroxide. The bubbling of the hydrogen peroxide will often dislodge stubborn splinters, making them easier to draw out.

Natural Home Remedies recommends using a slippery elm poultice on the affected area for 24 hours, then mixing a few drops of myrrh oil in a teaspoon of water and washing the hair splinter with it.

A poultice of warm bread or bran applied several times throughout the day may also be effective in dislodging hair splinters.

Stubborn splinters may be dislodged by applying honey to the surface of the hair splinter, then covering with an adhesive bandage and leaving it in place overnight.

  • Soak the affected area in warm water, or warm water with some Epsom salts added for at least 30 minutes.
  • Stubborn splinters may be dislodged by applying honey to the surface of the hair splinter, then covering with an adhesive bandage and leaving it in place overnight.


If you are unable to remove a hair splinter, contact your physician. If left in the skin, hair splinters can cause pain, swelling and infection. It's important to remove them yourself or have them removed by a medical professional.