My name is Paul from Appliance Service by Paul in Salt Lake City, Utah, a factory authorized service agency, and we're here to talk about fault codes on major appliances. Just like your body will tell you when it has an ache and pain, your appliances nowadays, many of them will tell you when it's not feeling well either. For example, this range has just indicated that there was a power loss, so if you were to come home and find out that the time on the clock was wrong, or anything else, maybe you've been cooking in it and it didn't finish, you'd know that the power went out. Refrigerators, clothes dryers, clothes washers all have fault codes built into them now. Many of these will manifest themselves with a readout like this one, or they'll show you codes like E1, E2, and so on and F1, E meaning air, and F meaning fault. By writing down these fault codes when you see them, you will be able to go to your use and care guide and in the use and care guide and most appliances, it will tell you what that might mean, and it will tell you whether something you can repair, or if it's something you need a service man for. I'm Paul with Appliance Service by Paul, and we have just talked about fault codes.
All About Fault Codes
by Edward Patton / in Home