Today we're talking about a few headboards. This one here is a smaller one for a full size type bed. We've got it marked here with the floor to the bottom. Of course you know this is going to be the top, that'll be the bottom. This is just a simple little headboard that we put together. The front of it is just some polyester batting we just put over it. Some of this here. Just take and lay it down over it. Just tape it on the bottom. We'll take a piece of fabric, the customer hasn't picked anything out yet, and we'll just put it over the top of this. Roll it over, upholster right through here, trim it up, go hang it on the wall. That's it. Now we'll just take us some fabric, you can use leathers, silks, suedes, it's really, really just about anything that you can think of. This particular piece here we don't know exactly what we're going to put on it yet however we can go ahead and get it trimmed up and put together with our batting and get it ready to upholster. And then we'll just go take it, hang it on the wall and have a happy customer.
How to Upholster a Headboard
by Bubba Austin / in Home