The Daihatsu Rocky, also known as the Sportrak and Feroza, is a small SUV produced by Daihatsu from 1987 to 1998. Like most vehicles the Daihatsu Rocky came equipped with a radio. If you need to remove the radio to repair or replace it, you can do so by removing a few screws.
Open the Rocky's bonnet and disconnect its battery using a socket wrench.
- The Daihatsu Rocky, also known as the Sportrak and Feroza, is a small SUV produced by Daihatsu from 1987 to 1998.
- Open the Rocky's bonnet and disconnect its battery using a socket wrench.
Pry off the dash trim from around the radio with a slotted screwdriver. Remove the screws from the front of the radio with a Phillips screwdriver.
Pull the Rocky's radio out of the dash and disconnect its wiring connector at the rear of the unit. Slide a replacement radio into the vehicle and reconnect the wiring connector.
Reinstall the screws and the dash trim.
Reconnect the battery and close the bonnet.