PowerPoint is efficient presentation software. However, there are often times when the material that needs to be presented is in another format such as PDF. If the material is in a PDF document it is not always possible to import the entire document. Parts of the document can be captured in PowerPoint as a picture.
- PowerPoint is efficient presentation software.
- Parts of the document can be captured in PowerPoint as a picture.
Open the PDF document.
Go to "Edit" and then "Take a Snapshot." The cursor will change to a cross.
Drag to capture the parts of the PDF that will be in PowerPoint. Once this is done, a dialogue box will appear that reads: "The selected areas have been copied." Click "OK."
- Drag to capture the parts of the PDF that will be in PowerPoint.
Click on the PowerPoint slide and press the "Ctrl" and "V" keys on the keyboard. The PDF text is on the slide. It should have a box around it with a green circle at the top.
Press the "Format" tab and then click on the "Crop" option on the "Size" panel. Black lines will appear around the image. Click and drag the lines to crop the image.
Resize the PDF image as desired.
A PDF can be imported into PowerPoint 2010. In the 2010 version, the user goes to the "Insert" tab then selects the "Object" option from the "Text" panel. Select "Adobe Acrobat" in the dialogue box and then press "OK."