When you set up Microsoft Word to create a folded program, Word turns the page on its side, changing the orientation to landscape view, and then splits each page into two sections. The finished product forms a folded booklet, the perfect size for a program for a theatre performance, wedding, funeral or other event. Word automatically sets the margins for each half-page, leaving enough room to fold or even bind the program. It also lets you write in normal order -- page 1, page 2, page 3 -- while ensuring that the pages of the final product will follow the proper order after being folded.

Click the "Page Setup" tab.

Click the "Margins" icon, then click "Custom Margins" on the drop-down menu to bring up the Page Setup dialogue box.

Click the "Multiple pages" field on the Page Setup dialogue box. This field is usually marked "normal." From the drop-down menu, select "Book fold."

  • When you set up Microsoft Word to create a folded program, Word turns the page on its side, changing the orientation to landscape view, and then splits each page into two sections.
  • Click the "Multiple pages" field on the Page Setup dialogue box.

Click "OK" at the bottom of the dialogue box.

Add text or content to the pages of the folded program.