Welcome back. We have put on our first coat successfully and it has finally dried. Now that we got the first coat on and before we put our second coat on, we want to knock down all our bumps so that when we go to put our second coat on we don't bounce over anything and leave a bunch of big chunks in our drywall. So take a 6" to 8" spackle knife and you just kind of run it over it. It will take off all the bumps so your next coat will be applied smoothly and not be bouncing off a bunch of bumps. You will get places like this, a little line in there from the old one, it'll come right off with the knife and leaves it nice and smooth. This is much better than sanding folks. If any of you out there are doing a home for somebody then you know the first thing that your going to talk about with them is there is going to be a bunch of dust. This is usually why. Drywall when you sand it creates a whole lot of dust. So you don't have to worry about the dust as much. You'll have to worry about one big sand at the end. This is a much better way to go then sanding. So go ahead and knock off all the extra bumps. Make it nice and smooth. This is what I meant once it's set you can knock off the big chunks up there and get that ready for a coat. It is always good to get these lines as flush to the wall as you can. Whenever you are putting on mud, there is a technique, it is called feathering. So once you hit your main in the middle, your main swipe and you've got it nice and smooth, you will have a little extra on the edges. You push the side furthest away from the mud in so you have it tweaked the way this is hitting the dry wall and this part is not and it kind of feathers it. Then you rub that over your edge like that. That will smooth out all of this and bring it to nothing.
Mudding Drywall: Smoothing Wall After 1st Coat
by Trigve Hagen / in Home