Since "World of Warcraft" thrives on the social aspect of the game, it's only fitting that a chat function be included. As with most of the "World of Warcraft" user interface, the chat function is customisable to an extent, but the power of the chat interface remains untapped if you use only the default interface. In comes Prat: an add-on that takes the chat function and makes it fully customisable, from choosing the font to colour-coding URLs. Prat also allows you to copy and paste chat text.

  • Since "World of Warcraft" thrives on the social aspect of the game, it's only fitting that a chat function be included.
  • As with most of the "World of Warcraft" user interface, the chat function is customisable to an extent, but the power of the chat interface remains untapped if you use only the default interface.

Sign in to your "World of Warcraft" account. Type "/prat" in chat.

Click "Extra Stuff." If there is no checkmark next to "General" and "Combat log," click the check box. If there is a check mark, click "Close."

Click the "Copy" icon located on the chat window. The icon looks like two pieces of paper, with the first piece folded at the top corner. Your recent chat history will appear.

Highlight the portion of the chat text you would like to copy. Press "Ctrl" and "C" on your keyboard. Click the "Okay" button.

Press "Enter" and press "Ctrl" and "V" on your keyboard. The text from the chat will appear. Press "Enter" to send your chat message.

  • Click the "Copy" icon located on the chat window.
  • The text from the chat will appear.


You must first have the Prat add-on installed to use it in "World of Warcraft." You can install it from a World of Warcraft add-on website.