The X-Pole is ideal for dancers because it is totally portable. It can provide fun and exercise. It can be assembled and disassembled easily within minutes. This makes it ideal for professionals as well as home users. The design of the pole is such that a lot of tools are not needed for taking it apart and neither is a lot of strength.

  • The X-Pole is ideal for dancers because it is totally portable.
  • The design of the pole is such that a lot of tools are not needed for taking it apart and neither is a lot of strength.

Unscrew the nut at the top of the pole. This unlocks the X-Pole.

Loosen the adjuster rod and screw it back into the pole. The adjuster rod is what holds the pole in place during use. Make use of the release tool for any loosening that is required.

  • Loosen the adjuster rod and screw it back into the pole.

Remove the pole support dome from the ceiling.

Tilt the pole away from the ceiling and gradually pull it down to the floor.

Loosen pole A and pole B. Together they form the main single pole. They are easily unscrewed by grabbing the centre and twisting away from each other. If they are stuck, tap the pole lightly but smartly with a heavy object like a hammer and try again. Repeat until you have loosened the poles.

Remove the base from the floor.


Read your X-Pole manual thoroughly before you start to disassemble the pole. New models of the X-Pole come with X-Joints. With this type of joint, poles are slid into each other, and the joints are locked with a key. You do not need screwdrivers


Do not use force on the rods if they get stuck. Smart taps will release them. Use of force might damage the pole. Hold the top support dome when you are screwing the adjuster rod into the pole to prevent it from slipping down.