During a career in secondary school, students in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland participate in General Certificate of Secondary Education exams, or GCSE. Each subject matter taught in secondary school is covered on a separate exam that is given at different times. Upon completion, students receive their results along with a Certificate of Completion awarded by one of the five educational boards that administer the exam. If you need to access your past results or request a new certificate, you can do so through one of the boards.

Contact the secondary school where you attended during the administration of the GCSE. Inquire as to the educational board that handled the test administration. There are five boards that offer the test, each one covering a different selection of schools.

  • During a career in secondary school, students in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland participate in General Certificate of Secondary Education exams, or GCSE.
  • Contact the secondary school where you attended during the administration of the GCSE.

Request a replacement results document. Follow the procedure unique to each of the five companies that handle the exams. The contact information for each is listed below.

Call the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance or AQA in Guildford at 01483 506506. Ask for Candidate Services Records. You can also e-mail your request to [email protected]. Provide your name and address with your request. AQA in Manchester can be telephoned at 0161 953 1180 or email them at [email protected]. If you've forgotten your login credentials, call ResultsPlus customer service at 0844-576-0024.

  • Request a replacement results document.
  • AQA in Manchester can be telephoned at 0161 953 1180 or email them at [email protected].

Download the Certified Statement of Results Application Form from the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) website. Complete the form and mail it to the following address: Results Registry Section Clarendon Dock, 29 Clarendon Road Belfast BT1 3BG.

Fill out and print the application form for replacement results from the Edexel website. You will need to provide proof of identification in the form of a copy of your driver's license or birth certificate. Send the completed form to: Payment -- Past Records Edexcel One90 High Holborn London WC1V 7BH

Download a Certifying Statement Application form from the Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations (OCR) website. Complete the form and mail it to: Centre Services (Historical Records) OCR, 1 Hills Road Cambridge, CB1 2EU

Apply for a Certified Statement of Results from the Welsh Joint Education Committee. The application should be mailed to: Certifications Officer (Past Records) WJEC, 245 Western Avenue CARDIFF CF5 2YX.


Each replacement results certificate will cost a set amount of money. Ensure that you include the correct fee along with any other materials requested by the board. All addresses listed above are current as of February 2010. Visit the website associated with your board to ensure that all mailing information is up to date.