If the screen on your old cathode ray tube (CRT) TV set is scratched, removing and repairing the scratch is extremely difficult. It may actually be more trouble than it's worth, and you risk damaging the screen even more. If you really want to remove any scratches on a CRT screen, use caution. There are very few solvents you can use on the anti-reflective, antiglare film coating on the screen without ruining it. You might need to replace the film altogether.

  • If the screen on your old cathode ray tube (CRT) TV set is scratched, removing and repairing the scratch is extremely difficult.
  • It may actually be more trouble than it's worth, and you risk damaging the screen even more.

Check to see just how deep the scratch is on the screen. The deeper the scratch, the less likely it is that you can remove it, and the more likely that you'll need to remove the film.

Moisten the corner of a soft cloth with water or a cleaning or repair solution that contains no solvents or abrasives. There is a small handful of CD/DVD repair fluids that can work; check with an expert before purchasing and using the solution.

Wipe the scratched area with the screen turned off. Start with gentle circular motions; after a while, switch to up-and-down motions, then dry it in circular motions with the dry end of the cloth. Repeat if necessary, increasing the intensity of the motion at your own risk.

Remove the anti-reflective film if the scratch is too deep and can't be removed or becomes damaged during wiping. Peel off the layers of film; there is usually a purple sheet over a green sheet.

  • Moisten the corner of a soft cloth with water or a cleaning or repair solution that contains no solvents or abrasives.
  • Remove the anti-reflective film if the scratch is too deep and can't be removed or becomes damaged during wiping.

Buff the screen after removing the film if the actual glass was scratched under the film. Here, abrasive motions can be used. You can also upgrade to a glass repair solution instead of the water if needed.

Apply the new anti-reflective film once the glass is clean and dry. Use a film with properties similar to those of the old film. Turn on the monitor and adjust its grey-scale tracking until the colour and luminance aren't distorted.


Microcloths are the best type of cloths to use. They are usually gold in colour, with zigzag edges.


Don't use any solvents that contain acetone or ammonia.