Finding out what time you were born can help you get a more accurate astrology reading. Time of birth is meaningful to astrologers, as is the date of your birth and the place of your birth. The date and place of your birth is common knowledge for many people who were raised by their biological parents, but the time of birth may be a mystery.

Locate a copy of your birth certificate. A long form birth certificate should list the time of your birth. If you do not have a copy of your birth certificate you will have to search deeper.

  • Finding out what time you were born can help you get a more accurate astrology reading.
  • A long form birth certificate should list the time of your birth.

Find out the name of the hospital where you were born. Locate the contact information of the hospital using a hospital directory. Contact the hospital and ask them their procedure for acquiring a copy of the birth certificate that includes the time of your birth.

Call the office of the doctor who delivered you. Inquire about records pertaining to your time of birth.

Contact the local or county town hall or the Register Office in the town where you were born.

Make a copy of your current identification, which may need to be sent along with any written request. Also write out a check or a use a money order to mail to the vital records office in the state where you were born.

  • Call the office of the doctor who delivered you.
  • Also write out a check or a use a money order to mail to the vital records office in the state where you were born.

For events registered in England and Wales you can order birth certificates online. A fee may apply.