There are many companies that offer sponsorships to sports-related individuals, events and entertainment projects as part of a marketing strategy. Reebok International is based in Canton, Massachusetts, and creates and markets sports and lifestyle products. Reebok sponsors grass-roots athletic events, competitive sporting events and product placement in entertainment projects. While you are seeking sponsorship from Reebok, it makes sense to target several other companies that offer sports sponsorships, as well. This requires that you plan and manage a strategic sponsorship communication plan. If you develop a comprehensive approach to developing and nurturing relationships with sponsors, you will increase the odds that you, your event or project receives sponsorship.

  • There are many companies that offer sponsorships to sports-related individuals, events and entertainment projects as part of a marketing strategy.
  • If you develop a comprehensive approach to developing and nurturing relationships with sponsors, you will increase the odds that you, your event or project receives sponsorship.

Research events and projects that Reebok has sponsored in the past. This will help you to expand your understanding of who Reebok sponsors and why. You can use this knowledge to help draft your sponsorship request. For example, Reebok has sponsored the Boston Celtics. This sponsorship enabled Reebok to collaborate with the Celtics in programs that supported children and schools in their common "hometown" of Boston. Reebok is headquartered in Canton, a suburb of Boston. So you don't need to be strictly hosting a sports or entertainment event to request sponsorship. Reebok also sponsors sports-related organisations that hold events that benefit the community in some way. The more you read about who and how Reebok has sponsored in the past, the more insights like this you will receive.

Create a sponsorship request. Define your event, program or project. Define what your needs are. Define what the benefits of sponsorship would be for Reebok. Your sponsorship request should clearly and simply state who you are, why you seek sponsorship and how you can benefit Reebok.

  • Create a sponsorship request.
  • Your sponsorship request should clearly and simply state who you are, why you seek sponsorship and how you can benefit Reebok.

E-mail your sponsorship request to [email protected].

Locate multiple foundations and organisations that offer sports sponsorships while you wait for Reebok's response. Just type "sports sponsorship" and your geographic location into a search engine and sift through the results. You also can search "global sports sponsorships" or "United States sports sponsorships." There are thousands of organisations out there. If you have a solid event plan, time and patience, you will get a sponsorship. Create a time line and begin the process of submitting sponsorship requests to each organisation. Don't be disappointed if you don't hear from Reebok, or don't receive the sponsorship for which you applied; it may take Reebok weeks or months to respond. Use this time to develop a communication plan including other potential sponsors.


If you don't have any sports-related events or projects brewing, but you are still interested in obtaining a sports-related sponsorship from a company such as Reebok, try offering a 5K, half-marathon or marathon run to support a cause that you or your organisation believe in. Follow the steps above and a future of sports sponsorships may be just around the corner.