Purchasing airline tickets can be quite a hassle. You might not want to buy your tickets right away, but at the same time, you don't want all the tickets to sell out for the flight you need to be on. To find out how many seats are left on any flight, follow these steps and take some of the hassle out of air travel.
- Purchasing airline tickets can be quite a hassle.
- To find out how many seats are left on any flight, follow these steps and take some of the hassle out of air travel.
Decide what flights you want to check the availability on. You don't need to know the specific flight, just the airports or airlines you'll be leaving from and going to, and an estimated date and time.
Visit the SeatCounter website, listed as a Resource below. It's a free service that tracks seats on flights.
Use the Mile Maven website, listed as a Resource below, to find the codes for the airports or airlines you want to find seats on.
- Use the Mile Maven website, listed as a Resource below, to find the codes for the airports or airlines you want to find seats on.
Plug the two codes and the date and time you're looking for into the front page of the SeatCounter website. Click "Show Availability" when you are done.
Scan down the list of the flights that fit what you searched for and pick out the ones that interest you the most. To the right of each flight is a chart that lists how many seats are left in each booking class.
Pay attention to the colours inside the chart. Green boxes mean that there are a lot of seats left, while red boxes mean that there are none available. There are also shades in between.
Continue to check the SeatCounter website until you buy your tickets, since seats on flights are constantly filling up.