Tipp-Ex correction fluid can be a lifesaver when removing an unwanted word. It also stains things with incredible ease. Unfortunately, removing correction fluid stains can be a bit of a trial. Don't despair; you can salvage your clothing and carpeting with just a few simple steps.

  • Tipp-Ex correction fluid can be a lifesaver when removing an unwanted word.
  • Unfortunately, removing correction fluid stains can be a bit of a trial.

Allow the Tipp-Ex to dry. Try and scrape it off. Depending on how old the stain is, and the material it stained, this may get the worst of it.

Apply rubbing alcohol to the stain and blot it out using a paper towel or cloth. Do this on carpeting or laundry. Test a small section of the material for colour fastness. Once the stain has been removed, rinse with water.

Use a pretreating fluid on the stain and leave it to set. Washing powder also works if that's all you have on hand. Alternately, soak the garment in bleach if its chlorine-safe.

  • Apply rubbing alcohol to the stain and blot it out using a paper towel or cloth.
  • Use a pretreating fluid on the stain and leave it to set.

Wash the pretreated, stained fabric in the washing machine, as you normally would.

Take the garment to the dry cleaner's if all attempts to remove the Tipp-Ex are unsuccessful.


The sooner you treat the stain, the easier it will be to remove.