It's possible for you to take care of the clutch of the VW Passat by checking the fluid in the reservoir, as well as bleeding the system. These tasks help to ensure that your clutch performs as it should.
- It's possible for you to take care of the clutch of the VW Passat by checking the fluid in the reservoir, as well as bleeding the system.
Check the level of the clutch fluid in the reservoir in the VW Passat if the clutch isn't responding as it should. Fill the reservoir, which is located in the rear left of the engine bay, and pump the clutch pedal a few times to restore the pressure in the lines. If the level doesn't stay the same, this could be a sign of a leak in the system, either in the reservoir itself or the lines, or master or slave cylinders. Replace or repair any leaking parts.
Replace the "stop clip" at the top of the clutch pedal in the VW Passat should you notice that the clutch pedal sits higher than the brake pedal. Some drivers report that the stop clip can come off fairly easily. Fortunately, you can replace the clip easily, or purchase another without shelling out lots of money. Remember to readjust the "self adjusting" clutch by lifting the clutch pedal with your foot after you replace the clip.
Bleed the clutch to rid the hydraulic system of any air bubbles. Take out the screws that secure the coolant tank, and undo the "coolant level sender connector from the bottom of the tank." Angle the tank up, toward the engine, and look for the bleeder valve on slave cylinder where the coolant tank had been. Take off the dust cap, attach rubber tubing to the bleeder valve, and the other end to the to the bleeder kit that contains clean clutch fluid. Make sure the hose runs higher than the bleeder valve so air can't get in the system. Open the bleeder valve with a 9mm wrench, and flush the system until you don't see any air bubbles in the container and the fluid looks clean. Remove the tubing, close the valve, and put the coolant level sender connector and coolant tank back in place.
- Bleed the clutch to rid the hydraulic system of any air bubbles.
- Take off the dust cap, attach rubber tubing to the bleeder valve, and the other end to the to the bleeder kit that contains clean clutch fluid.