The Disney Movie Club is a money-saving offer for parents or grandparents who have young children in the house. When you become a member, you are required to purchase five Disney movies at regular price (about £13), and upon doing so, you are offered several deals on future Disney movie purchases. Currently Disney titles are available to members in both DVD and Blu-ray formats.

  • The Disney Movie Club is a money-saving offer for parents or grandparents who have young children in the house.
  • When you become a member, you are required to purchase five Disney movies at regular price (about £13), and upon doing so, you are offered several deals on future Disney movie purchases.

To join, go the Disney Movie Club online. Select five movies and click "Checkout," on the bottom right-hand side, underneath your shopping list.

Enter your first and last name on the registration form, as well as address and e-mail, hit "Continue." On the next page you will be required to add your billing information in the form of a credit card and agree to the terms of service.

To join by mail, select your movies and print out your checkout page, containing your chosen movie titles and the total. Make sure you include a check for the total amount when sending.

You may also join over the phone by calling 1-888-257-9100. A representative will take your information and help you select your movies.


A credit card number is required when ordering online or by phone.