Nike is one of the world's most popular sporting goods companies. If you run a small business devoted to the sporting life, offering products from high-profile companies like Nike can help your business grow. Before you can legally sell their products, you'll need to become a Nike distributor. Nike receives a large number of requests for distribution accounts. To improve your chances of being accepted, be sure your business has what it takes to support a hot property like Nike sneakers and sporting goods. When you're ready to apply, request an application packet by e-mail.

  • Nike is one of the world's most popular sporting goods companies.
  • To improve your chances of being accepted, be sure your business has what it takes to support a hot property like Nike sneakers and sporting goods.

Compose an e-mail addressed to [email protected], announcing your interest in becoming a Nike distributor. Avoid applying prior to your business' launch; your retail business should already be operating at the time of application.

Include the following contact information in your e-mail: Your company's name Name of the customer contact person at your company Your business e-mail address (or e-mail address of appropriate contact person) Company mailing address

Wait seven to 10 business days to receive your application packet from Nike. Read and fill out application documents, then return to Nike as specified. Expect to wait up to a few weeks to be notified of your account status.

Make sure your business is mature enough to support their products; this will improve your chances of being accepted as a Nike distributor. Having multiple brick-and-mortar stores from which you operate, or securing distribution accounts with other high-profile companies within your product niche will improve how your business looks "on paper". Remember that Nike is a business just like yours, they will ultimately choose whether to allow you to distribute their products based on how potentially beneficial your business is to them.

  • Include the following contact information in your e-mail: Your company's name Name of the customer contact person at your company Your business e-mail address (or e-mail address of appropriate contact person) Company mailing address Wait seven to 10 business days to receive your application packet from Nike.
  • Having multiple brick-and-mortar stores from which you operate, or securing distribution accounts with other high-profile companies within your product niche will improve how your business looks "on paper".


Nike asks for the same information for both domestic and international distribution account application requests. Since company policies are subject to change, be sure to announce in your e-mail whether you plan to sell Nike products in the United States or internationally.


Do not advertise Nike products before you have been approved to sell them. Note that application does not guarantee acceptance. If your business is just starting out, be prepared for rejection. Remember that Nike is also a business, and will prefer to do business where it will benefit them most.