Cherry angiomas are benign skin growths that can be red or purplish in appearance. Angiomas are caused by an accumulation of capillaries underneath your skin. According to the website Medline Plus, cherry angiomas become common in adults over 30. In many instances, an angioma will never need to be treated. However, a large cherry angioma can bleed profusely when it is injured or just scratched. If you run into an issue where you can't contain an angioma's bleeding, you should seek treatment.

  • Cherry angiomas are benign skin growths that can be red or purplish in appearance.
  • Angiomas are caused by an accumulation of capillaries underneath your skin.

Apply pressure to the site of the angioma with a hand towel. The pressure should be firm.

Hold pressure on the affected area for up to 15 minutes. Don't remove the towel during this time, in order to give the affected area time to clot.

Remove the towel after 15 minutes to determine if the site is still bleeding. If the site has stopped bleeding, clean the area with a cotton ball dipped in hydrogen peroxide. Apply an antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin to the site, and bandage the wound. Change the bandages every 3 to 4 hours.

  • Hold pressure on the affected area for up to 15 minutes.
  • Apply an antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin to the site, and bandage the wound.

If the bleeding does not stop, get the angioma treated. According to Medline Plus, angiomas that bleed often can be treated with electrosurgery. Electrosurgery uses an electrode that touches the bleeding site to help the tissue coagulate and stop the angioma's bleeding in a process known as electrocoagulation.

If you suffer from frequent bleeding of your angioma, consider getting the tissue removed. According to the medical journal American Family Physician, a process known as electrosection can remove the affected tissue with an electrode. Electrosection can remove the tissue with minimal damage to your skin.


See a dermatologist if you can't stop your angioma from bleeding.


Don't pick at your angioma. This can lead to an infection and possible scarring of the affected area. Don't try to remove an angioma yourself. This should be done by a dermatologist.