Ox-eye daisies are blossoming plants. The scientific name for the ox-eye daisy is Leucanthemum vulgare. Ox-eye daisies are also known as white daisies, the field daisy, and sometimes the marguerite daisy. Daisies are considered to be a symbol of patience.
The origin of the ox-eye daisy is Asia and Europe. However, they are seen all over the world from Africa to South and North America.
In as many as 40 countries, the daisy is regarded as an irritating weed.
- Ox-eye daisies are blossoming plants.
- In as many as 40 countries, the daisy is regarded as an irritating weed.
Daisies thrive in all kinds of environmental settings. They are, generally, seen predominantly in regions where the earth is deprived of nutrients.
The ox-eye daisy

Ox-eye daisies are blossoming plants. The scientific name for the ox-eye daisy is Leucanthemum vulgare. Ox-eye daisies are also known as white daisies, the field daisy, and sometimes the Marguerite daisy. Daisies are considered to be a symbol of patience.
The origin of the ox-eye daisy is Asia and Europe. However, they are seen all over the world from Africa to South and North America.
In as many as 40 countries, the daisy is regarded as an irritating weed.
- Ox-eye daisies are blossoming plants.
- In as many as 40 countries, the daisy is regarded as an irritating weed.
Daisies thrive in all kinds of environmental settings. They are, generally, seen predominantly in regions where the earth is deprived of nutrients.
Bellis perennis
There are many types of daisies. A Bellis Perennis is a European type of daisy and is typically related to as the common daisy, English daisy or the lawn daisy. The Bellis perennis is greatly populated in central, western, and northern Europe. However, it is also significantly and naturally grown in North America as well. In North America, the Bellis perennis is regarded also as a persistent weed growing blossom. Daisies are herb-type plants. They consist of minute rhizomes and small rounded leaves that are two to five centimetres (one to two inches) in length and they develop close to the earth.
- There are many types of daisies.
- In North America, the Bellis perennis is regarded also as a persistent weed growing blossom.
Daisies are basically a general term that refers to blossoms that have an inner disk and consist of countless small fertile flowers that are encircled by very delicate, brilliant-coloured petals. The name daisy is said to be an altered form of the phrase "day's eye." This is because the head of the daisy shuts at night and reopens once the morning appears.
How does a daisy reproduce?
There are two ways that daisies reproduce which include seed (sexual) reproduction or vegetative (asexual) reproduction. In sexual reproduction, insects play an important part in the reproduction of daisies and other plant life by the transference of pollen. The transference of pollen preserves genetic multiplicity. This process that plants undergo is referred to as pollination. Insects leave their pollen in the stamen of a flower and the flower acts as a go-between for the unification of male sperms and female ovum for the purpose of producing seeds. Pollination is followed by fertilisation.
- There are two ways that daisies reproduce which include seed (sexual) reproduction or vegetative (asexual) reproduction.
Fertilisation pilots the creation and distribution of the seeds.
Vegetative reproduction is a form of asexual reproduction which requires only one parent. New self-regulating forms of plant life are produced devoid of the manufacturing of seeds.
Asexual reproduction does not require ploidy, reduction, meiosis, or fertilisation. Daisies can be reproduced by either of these methods.