Inserting a screw into stone is similar to inserting a screw into other materials, such as wood. Due to the hardness of stone, however, hardier tools and screws are required. First and foremost, you must use specially designed masonry screw anchors in stone. These screws are made of steel and possess hardened threads that cut into the stone. This helps secure the screw within the stone. Although masonry screws are occasionally referred to as concrete screws, they can be used in material such as stone.
Purchase or rent a hammer drill if you don't already own one. A standard electric drill will not suffice when drilling into stone or other masonry. This is due to the fact that an electric drill, designed mainly for drilling into softer materials such as wood, is inefficient when drilling into stone. Also, purchase or rent a set of masonry drill bits.
- Inserting a screw into stone is similar to inserting a screw into other materials, such as wood.
- This is due to the fact that an electric drill, designed mainly for drilling into softer materials such as wood, is inefficient when drilling into stone.
Select a drill bit that is slightly smaller than diameter of the masonry screw. For example, if you are using a screw that is 1/4-inch in diameter, you must use a 3/16-inch drill bit. If you drill the hole too large, the masonry screw will not securely anchor within the stone. Attach the appropriate-size drill bit to the hammer drill.
- Select a drill bit that is slightly smaller than diameter of the masonry screw.
- Attach the appropriate-size drill bit to the hammer drill.
Put on a pair of safety goggles to protect your eyes. While drilling, dust and small particles of stone may be sent airborne. Therefore, proper eye protection is a must.
Drill the pilot hole into the stone using the hammer drill. Do not place the pilot hole or screw on or near the edge of the stone, as it may damage or crack the stone. The depth of the pilot hole should be approximately ¼-inch greater than the length of the masonry screw. Drill one pilot hole per masonry screw. Do not, however, position the screws or pilot holes too close together, as it may damage the stone. Each screw should be roughly 10 diameters apart. For example, if you're using 1/4-inch screws, they must be separated by at least 2.5 inches.
- Drill the pilot hole into the stone using the hammer drill.
- Do not, however, position the screws or pilot holes too close together, as it may damage the stone.
Blow into the pilot hole to remove any dust or bits of stone left behind by the drill. Dust and small particles allowed to remain in the pilot hole may interfere with the ability of the screw to properly thread into or anchor within the stone.
Insert the masonry screw into the pilot hole. Use a screwdriver to turn the masonry screw clockwise. Continue turning the screw until it is flush against the stone or the surface of whatever you're attaching to the stone, such as a window shutter, lumber or ornamental fixture.